
Handlesclient-sidetransitions,thismethodisusefulforcaseswherenext/linkisnotenough.router.push(url,as ...,state-(object)location-specificstatethatwasprovidedtoe.g.push(path,state)whenthislocationwaspushedontothestack.Onlyavailableinbrowserand ...,2015年6月26日—importpush}from'react-router-redux';this.props.dispatch(push('/some...push('/my-route')};render()return(


Handles client-side transitions, this method is useful for cases where next/link is not enough. router.push(url, as ...


state - (object) location-specific state that was provided to e.g. push(path, state) when this location was pushed onto the stack. Only available in browser and ...

How to programmatically navigate using React Router?

2015年6月26日 — import push } from 'react-router-redux'; this.props.dispatch(push('/some ... push('/my-route') }; render() return ( <button onClick=this ...

Main Concepts v6.23.1

A push when a new entry is added to the history stack (typically ... These kinds of routers require us to order our routes perfectly to get the expected result.

Mastering React Router v4 — using push() and replace ...

2023年10月23日 — This method pushes a new entry onto the history stack, effectively navigating to a new URL. It is typically used for regular navigation within ...

Programmatically Navigate with React Router

2021年1月11日 — The push method is essential and is used to push a path as a route to the history stack, which executes as Last In First Out (LIFO). This ...

Programmatically navigate with React Router (and Hooks)

2023年3月8日 — In this post you'll learn how to programmatically navigate with the latest React Router v6 with the new useNavigate hook.

Route router

2022年2月15日 — I am in my react app and I want to go from to using history.push. I remember that ...

useHistory hook

The useLocation hook returns the location object that represents the current URL. You can think about it like a useState that returns a new location whenever ...